Sunday, April 10, 2016

Orange Marmalade

This year's orange harvest from the orange tree in my backyard was plentiful- a total of 133 pounds of oranges! Each year the fruit gets sweeter, and this year the taste sure did not disappoint. The sweet, yet tangy orange, paired with my aunt's home-grown lemons, made for a great orange marmalade. I adapted the Sure-Jell recipe to make this orange marmalade.


4 oranges
2 lemons
3.5 tbsp pectin
2.5 cups water
1/8 tsp baking soda
5.5 cups sugar

How to Make:

1. Slice the oranges and lemons into quarters, then into thin slices. (Some recipes call for peeling off the rinds, then boiling the oranges to remove the white fiber part of the fruit. I went for the faster approach, which is to include all parts of the orange into the marmalade.)
2. Boil the sliced fruit in 2.5 cups water and 1/8 tsp baking soda.
3. Add the pectin into the mixture.
4. When the mixture is in a full rolling boil, add all the sugar.
5. Bring the mixture back to a full rolling boil. Once full rolling boil, keep stirring for 1 minute. 
6. Remove from heat and ladle into hot, sterilized mason jars. Seal tightly.
7. Put the mason jars back into the stock pot and boil for 10 minutes.
8. Remove from heat and let cool.