Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Hibiscus Tea [Jamaica]

Hibiscus Tea Flowers (Dried)

How it turned out!

I love drinking this agua fresca, or "fresh water," on a hot summer day or when I'm eating really spicy Mexican food. The taste is tangy, sweet, and refreshing. I usually buy a cup of jamaica, or "hibiscus tea," for around $2 dollars at a Mexican restaurant or fast-food place such as Gordo Taqueria. I squandered my money on this drink, until I realized I could make jamaica on my own! It is super easy!

I took a trip to an organic foods market and found hibiscus flowers sold in the bulk foods aisle. I bought 1 cup of dry hibiscus flowers which cost about $1.60.

I adapted the recipe on: http://www.muybuenocookbook.com/2011/03/agua-de-jamaica-hibiscus-tea/ and halved the recipe since I didn't buy enough flowers:


1 cup dry jamaica/hibiscus flowers
3/8 cup granulated sugar (I found that less sugar tasted better)
3 cups water

How to make:
1. Wash the flowers.
2. Boil the water.
3. When water boils, add the dry hibiscus flowers and sugar.
4. Cook for 1 minute.
5. Turn off heat.
6. Cool & drain the tea.
7. Refrigerate.
8. Ready to drink!
It came out to about 2 glass cups of hibiscus tea, which is cheaper than buying store-made and super easy to make. Next time I will use less sugar because it came out a tad bit sweet/ tasted a little like sweet grape juice. Overall, I am satisfied with the turnout and can't wait to save a little more by making this drink.

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