Sunday, August 9, 2015

Grape Jelly


≈3.5 lbs grapes (about 5 large clusters of grapes), [need 5 cups grape juice]
3 cups white sugar
4 cups brown sugar
1.5 cups water
3.5 tbsp Ball classic pectin

How to Make: (takes about 2 hours)

1. Wash and remove grapes from stems.

2. Blend grapes on low setting in blender/ food processor, just enough so that skins are removed and grape juice released.
3. Boil the grape juice and 1.5 cups water in a pot for 10 minutes. Grape juice color should darken to a deep purple color.

4. Remove from heat and strain the juice to separate from the seeds and skin.

5. Boil the strained juice and add pectin.

6. Once mixture is at a rolling boil, add the sugar. Heat to rolling boil for 1 minute.

7. Remove from heat. Scrape off foam, if desired.
8. Ladle hot jelly into hot, sterilized jars. Seal lids and bands.
9. Place jars into stock pot and boil for 10 minutes if you are in a low altitude area.
10. Remove jars from pot and let cool. Seals should "pop," indicating a proper seal. Refrigerate or store in cool, dark place.

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